INTAKE2STAC Documentation Status

STAC specification is a method of exposing spatial and temporal data collections in a standardized manner. Specifically, the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification describes and catalogs spatiotemporal assets using a common structure. This package creates STAC metadata by harvesting dataset details from the INTAKE interface. After creating STAC Catalogs, Collections, and Items, it imports them into pgSTAC and STAC-FastAPI.

Installation from PyPi

pip install intake2stac

Installation for development

git clone
cd intake2stac
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Installing using Docker

For runnig by docker use this repository.


Use case:

You can use the following template for creating STAC catalog from the TDS web service for your project.

You can change configuration of PgSTAC in config_pgstac

from intake2stac import intake2stac
        stac=True or False,
        stac_id="an ID for the main STAC catalog",
        stac_description="Description for the main STAC catalog",
        stac_catalog_dynamic=True or False,
        Intake catalog details:
        Version:  0.1
        Drivers:  Zarr
        Parameter:  mswx v1.0e  | Description:  MSWX global climate data  | urlpath:
        Parameter:  eobs v24.0e  | Description:  E-OBS v24.0e climate data for Europe  | urlpath:
        Parameter:  MERRA2 tavgM 2d aer NX  | Description:  M2TMNXAER (or tavgM_2d_aer_Nx) is a time-averaged 2-dimensional monthly mean data collection in Modern-Era
        Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA-2). This collection consists of assimilated aerosol diagnostics, such as column mass density
        of aerosol components (black carbon, dust, sea salt, sulfate, and organic carbon), surface mass concentration of aerosol components, and total extinction (and scattering )
        aerosol optical thickness (AOT) at 550 nm. The total PM1.0, PM2.5, and PM10 may be derived with the formula described in the FAQs under the Documentation tab of
        this page. The collection also includes variance of certain parameters.  | urlpath:
        Parameter:  ERA5 daily surface variables  | Description:  Selection of surface variables (precip, temperature, etc.) from ECMWFs latest atmospheric reanalysis ERA5
        | urlpath:
        ./mswx v1.0e/collection.json
        |____ ./mswx_v1.0e/mswx_v1.0e.json
        ./eobs v24.0e/collection.json
        |____ ./eobs_v24.0e/eobs_v24.0e.json
        ./MERRA2 tavgM 2d aer NX/collection.json
        |____ ./MERRA2_tavgM_2d_aer_NX/MERRA2_tavgM_2d_aer_NX.json
        ./ERA5 daily surface variables/collection.json
        |____ ./ERA5_daily_surface_variables/ERA5_daily_surface_variables.json